Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 9

English word meaning(Series 9)



Sales man _ n / बेचने वाला /a man's job whose work to persuade people to buy his company's product.

Ex _ He works as a salesman.

Merciful _ adj / रहम दिल / being kind to people and forgiving them.
Ex _ Allah save us , you are most merciful.

Merciless _ adj / बेरहम / being unkind to people and not forgiving them.
Ex _ Her boss is merciless.

Reappear _ v / दुबारा से सामिल होना / to appear again not after not being seen for some time.
Ex _ Will you reappear once you fail in Exam.

Cobble _ v / जुटा बनाना / to repair or make shoes.
Ex _ He cobbled my shoes with smooth string.

Auction _ n / नीलामी / to sell something at a public place.
Ex _ The house was auctioned last week.

Trill _  v / 
The articulation of a consonant (especially the consonant 'r') with a rapid flutter of the tongue against the palate or uvula

Ex _  he pronounced his R's with a distinct trill"

Endorse _ v / Pick one person to give support and approval to in a particular role

Ex _ "I endorsed Kennedy in 1960"

Embody _ v/ Represent in bodily form

Ex -  "He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system"

Swagger _ v / To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
Ex _ He swaggers around like a rooster in a hen house"

Stalwart _ adj / Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships
Ex _ "proud of her tall stalwart son"

Arduous _ adj / Difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill
Ex _ your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here

Tentative _ adj 
/  Under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon
Ex _ just a tentative schedule

Infirmities _ n 
/ The state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
Ex _ How do you find infirmities in modern edge?

Blood shade _ n / Indiscriminate slaughter
Ex _ A blood shade took place when the leaders of BJP arrested.

OutStrip  _ v / Be or do something to a greater degree
Ex _ He outstripped the other runners.

Ruby _ adj / resembling the color of blood, cherries, tomatoes or rubies
Ex _ The picture would come through dark with a ruby tinge.

Horrify _ v / Fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised
Ex _ The news of the executions horrified us"

Debris _ n / The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
Ex _ the destruction of the building produced an enormous debris surge.

Hornet _ 

Chuckle _ v / दबी हुई हंसी / 
Laugh quietly or with restraint
Ex _ He chuckled when i met him.

Daunt _ v / डराना या निराश करना /  Cause to lose courage
Ex _ he was daunted by the refusal.

Bargain _ n /
 सौदा / An advantageous purchase
Ex _ she got a bargain at the auction.

Gigantic _ adj / विशाल /  So exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth.
Ex _ He has gigantic disappointment"

Imitate _ v / नक़ल करना / Reproduce someone's behavior or looks
Ex _ "Life imitates art"

Idolater _ n / मूर्ति पूजा करने वाला / A person who worships idols
Ex _ They are idolater.

Negligent _ adj /  उपेख्षा पुर्द / 
Characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern
Ex _ negligent of detail

Irreverent _ adj / अपमान करने वाला / Showing lack of due respect or veneration
Ex _ They are noisy irreverent tourists.

Whistle _ v / सिटी बजाना /  Produce a shrill, high-pitched sound by forcing air through the mouth
Ex _ I whistle when I'm happy

Pitch _ v / 
Throw or toss with a light motion
Ex _ pitch me the beachball.

Blush _ v /लज्जा वश मुख पर लाली आना /  Turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
Ex _ The girl blushed when a young man whistled as she walked by.

Mingle _ v / मिलना / Get involved or mixed-up with
Ex _ He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair

Hill lock _ n / A small natural hill

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