Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 1

Beauty _ n / सुन्दरता / the quality of being happy to the scenes or to the mind.

Q1 _ How much money do you spend on beauty product?
A _ I don't spend much money on beauty products because I like natural beauty.
Q2 _ Is beauty product good for skin?
A _ I don't think so Beauty product good for skin.

Hang _ v / लटकाना /to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed and the bottom part is                                 free to move and does not touch the ground.
Q 2 _ Where do hang your outfit?
A _ Usually I hang my outfit on a washing line.
Q2 _ Do you hang your Clock on the wall?
A _ yes I do.

Violent _ adj / खूंखार / involving or caused a physical force that is intended to hurt or kill somebody.
Q3 _ Are you violent man?
A _ No I'm not violent and I don't like violent person.
Q3 _ is it Violent animal?
A _ yes it is.

Ugly _ adj / बदसूरत / extremely unattractive.
Q4 _ Do you like ugly faces?
A _ Yes I like ugly Faces because they are the creation of Allah.
Q4 _ Who created ugly faces?
A _ It is Allah who has created all the faces.
Absorb _ v / सोखना / to take in a liquid, gas or other substances.
Q5 _ Why do the plants absorb co2?
A _ Plant absorbs Co2 because it prepares food in the presence of sunlight.
Q5 _ Does foam absorb water?
A _ yes
Fantastic _ adj / शानदार / extremely good.
Q6 _ Do you look fantastic all the time?
A _ Monday to Saturday I try to look fantastic all the time.
Q6 _ Do you consider your job fantastic
A _ No my job is not fantastic.
Reach _ v / पहुंचना / to arrive at the place that you have been travelling to.
Q7_ What time do you reach at your home?
A _ I reach at 6:pm
Q7_ Do you reach at home on time.
A _ yes I reach at home on time.

Keen _ adj / उत्सुक / eager.
Q8_ Are you keen to learn spoken English?
A _ Yes I'm keen to learn spoken English.
Q8 _ Are you keen to learn Maths
A _ yes, It's my favorite.

Generous _ adj / सज्जन / someone who is generous is willing to give money, spend time etc.
                                          in  order to help people or give them pleasure.
Q9_ Do you like generous person?
A _ Yes I like generous person.
Q _ Is he generous?
A _ He is generous.

Ability _ n / योग्यता / the state of being able to do something.
Q10_ Why everybody doesn't recognize the ability of himself?
A _ Ability is unseen quality of the person, so it takes time to be recognized.
Q _ Do you have ability to cross the river?
A _ No , I don't have ability to cross the river.
Battle _ n / युद्ध / a fighting between opposing Armies, group of people, etc.
Q11 _ How many people were killed in the battle?
A _ Millions of people were killed in the battle.
Q _ Do you know about the battle of Plassi?
A _ Sorry I don't know about the battle of plassi.

Keep _ n / रखना / to continue having or holding something.
Q12_ Do you keep your mobile in your pocket?
A _ I don't keep my mobile phone in front pocket.
Q _ Where do keep your news paper?
A _ I keep it on table.
Path _ n / रास्ता / a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground.
Q13 _ Which path do you follow to reach at your home?
A _ We follow the same path to reach at home.
Q _ Are you on right path?
A _Yes I'm on right path.

Tackle _ v / सुलझना / to try to deal with difficult problem.
Q14 _ Do you tackle problem yourself?
A _ I tackle my all the problem myself.
Q _ Who tackle your problem?
A _ it's me who tackle all the problem
Faith _ n / विश्वास / a strong feeling of trust or confidence in somebody / something.
Q15_ Do you have Faith in idle worship?
A _ I don't have faith in idle worship.
Q _ Do you have faith in me?
A _ Yes I have faith in me.

Quit _ v / तेयागना / to leave a job or a school, specially without finishing it completely.
Q16 _ When did you quit  the school?
A _ I quit the school in 2007.
Q _ Why did you quit the school.
A _ It's my own decision.
Wait _ v / इंतज़ार करना / to stay where you are or delay doing something.
Q17 _ Will you wait for me until the last breath?
A _ Nobody will wait you until the last breath.

Watch _ v / देखना / to look at somebody / something for some time, paying attention to what happens.
Q18 _ Do you watch movie everyday?
A _ I don't watch movie everyday.

Damage _ v / तहस नहस करना / to cause physical harm to something or to parts of some's body.
Q19 _ Are you intended to damage public property?
A _ Me not, but violent people intend to damage public property.

Emerge _ v / परकट होना to appear or come out from somewhere.
Q20 _ Will you emerge like shining star?
A _ One day I will emerge like shining stars.

Hide _ v / छिपना to put or keep somebody / something in a place where they can not be seen or found.
Q21 _ Was she hiding behind the tree?
A _ He was hiding behind the tree
Oppose _ v / विरोध करना / to disagree strongly with somebody's plan, policy etc.
Q22 _ Do you oppose this govenment?
A _ I don't oppose anyone for anything.

Stable _ adj / स्थायी / firmly fixed , not likely to move.
Q23 _ Are you stable English Speaker?
A _ Yes I'm stable English speaker.

Affect _ v / असर डालना / to do something that produces an effect.
Q24 _ Can One bad decision affect the life.
A _ Yes one bad decision can affect the life.

Expose _ v / दिखाना / खुलासा करना / to show something that is usually covered or hidden.
Q25 _ Do you lift your T- Shirt to expose your body?
A _ I don't Expose my body, but Salman khan.

Consume _ v / खाना / to eat or drink specially a lot of something.
Q26 _ Does your bike consume much petrol?
A _ Yes it consumes much petrol

Beat _ v / पीटना to defeat somebody in a game or competition.
Q27 _ Will India Beat Pakistan in next ODI?
A _ Yes India can beat pakistan in every ODI.

Always _ Adv / हमेशा / at all time
Q28 _ Do you always love to speak in English
A _ I always love to speak in English

Grow _ v / उगना / उगाना / to spring up 
Q29 _ Do you grow plant in your courtyard ?
A _ I grow plant in my courtyard.

Aquatic _ adj / पानी वाले जानवर / taking place in or on water
Q30 _ Do you like aquatic animal?
A _ I like so much aquatic animal.

Account _ n / a statement of transaction during a fiscal period and the resulting balance.
Q31 _ Do we have account in UBI
A _ Yes I have a/c in UBI

Deposit _ v / जमा करना / to place specially for safe keeping / to put in a bank
Q32 _ How much money do you deposit every month?
A _ Not fixed, but I deposit every month.

Lazy _ adj / अलसी / not energetic
Q33 _ Are you lazy student
A _ I'm not lazy student.

Lend _ v / उधार देना / to  make a loan
Q34 _ Have you ever lend money to anyone?
A _ Yes , since 2014 _2016 I lend money .

Hunger _  n / a craving or urgent need for food or a specific nutrient
Ex _ One sandwich wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger.

To praise _ 

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