Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 4

English word meaning(Series 4)



Fatuous _ adj / मुर्ख / silly , foolish.
Ex _ He writes only fatuous poetry.
Ex _ They have fatuous Idea.
Ex _ She cooks fatuous food.

Garish _ adj / गाढा / भड़कीला /guady, in bad taste.
Ex _ Do you use garish bed sheet to cover the sofa?
Ex _ She likes Garish dress.
Ex _ She made Garish dinner last day.
Hapless _ adj / बदकिस्मत /unlucky.
Ex _ Are you Hapless cricket player?
Ex _ Nadeem Sir is hapless person.
Ex _ Do you cut a joke if someone is hapless.
Idolatrous _ adj / भक्त /Excessively worshiping one object or person.
Ex _ His idolatrous family usually visit ajmer sharif.
Ex _ Is Modi's Family Idolatrous ?
Ex _ They Are Idolatrous.

Jubilant _ adj / खुश / extremely joyful, happy.
Ex _ They are jubilant students.
Ex _ She is Jubilant girl.
Ex _ He is jubilant boy.

Malediction _ n / अभिशाप /a curse.
Ex _ She screamed malediction against
Ex _ Why Dowry malediction?
Ex _ Is helpless curse for society?

Bashful _ adj / शर्मीला / shy , excessively timid.
Ex _ Don't be bashful if you have committed mistakes, it's real life.
Ex _ Are you bashful?
Ex _ She seems bashful.

Decorous _ adj / ठीक ठाक / socially proper, appropriate.
Ex _ Do you show your decorous behavior with everyone.
Ex _ One should adopt decorous behavior.
Ex _ Educated man happens to be decorous all the time.
Efficacious _ adj / असरदार / effective.
Ex _ Homeopathy is less efficacious than Ayurveda.
Ex _ His speech was efficacious.
Ex _ Modi ji is efficacious PM

Pragmatic _ adj / practical .
Ex _ Pragmatic teaching always called effective teaching.
Ex _ His Idea was very pragmatic.
Ex _ He is pragmatic English speaker.

Renown _ n / प्रसिद्ध / honor, acclaim.
Ex _ APJ abul kalam was a renown personality of India.
Ex _ Dr. Zakir naik was a renown personality of the world.
Ex _ He is renown advocate.
Terse _ adj / तीखा / using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly.
Ex _ He keeps terse reply of speaking.
Ex _ One should not give terse reply.
Ex _ Does honest give terse reply.
Resplendent _ adj / सुन्दर / brightly colored in an impressive way.
Ex _ She looks resplendent in her red dress.
Ex _ Nadeem sir basanti looks resplendent all the time.
Ex _ Is mmc resplendent coaching center.

Hinder _ v / रोकना / to make it difficult to somebody to do something or for something to happens.
Ex _ it is the political situation that hinders economical growth.
Ex _ What hinder your speaking?
Ex _ Virus hinders Internet accessibility.

Bristle _ n / झल्लाहट / to suddenly become very annoyed or offended at what somebody says or does.
Ex _ His lies made her bristle .
Ex _ Don't make me bristle.
Ex _ Free Internet calling made me bristle.

Laud _ v / प्रसंसा करना / to praise somebody / something.
Ex _ He was lauded for his courage.
Ex _ Do you laud your younger.
Ex _ She was lauded for her smile.

Hone _ v / सुधारना / to develop or improve somethings specially a talent over a period of time.
Ex _ She honed her debating talent at college.
Ex _ How often do you try to hone your talent?
Ex _ I honed my writing talent at home.
Rife _ adj / सामान्य / common.
Ex _ India is a country where corruption is rife.

Bonanza _ n / शु अवसर / a situation in which people make a lot of money.
Ex _ Did you buy the on Diwali bonanza?

Magnificent _ adj / बहुत सुन्दर /very beautiful or impressive or very great.
Ex _ Moon looks magnificent at night.

Egregious _ adj / ख़राब / very bad and easily noticed.
Ex _ He faced egregious problem at college.

Contrite _ adj / पस्ताचाप / feeling or showing regret for bad behavior.
Ex _ people feel contrite if they caught guilty.

Remorseless _ adj / बेरहम / very cruel and showing no pity or sympathy for other people.
Ex _ Are you remorseless person?

Candid _ adj / निस्कपथ /expressing an opinion and feelings in an honest way.
Ex _ Ravish kumar is a candid journalist.

Capacious _ adj / विशाल / very spacious.
Ex _ is your bedroom capacious?

Dour _ adj / बेमजा / joyless .
Ex _ the party was dour because the guest were very less.

Extol _ v / प्रसंसा करना / to praise , revere.
Ex _ no one extolled her due to her poor dressing sense.

Humiliate _ v / निंदा करना / to make feel very ashamed or foolish.
Ex _ Elders are hurt if they are humiliated.

Chide _ v / चीखना चिल्लाना / to speak out in angry or displeased.
Ex _ she chided on us for arriving late.

Nope _ no नहीं
Ex _ are you going tonight? nope.

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