Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 14

Distinguish _ (verb) अंतर करना  tell the difference
Ex _ distinguish the matter as soon as possible.
Extricate _ (verb) अलग करना get out of a situation
Ex _ she was trying to extricate herself from official duties.

Entangle _ (verb) उल्झाना involve
Ex _ don’t entangle those people in your project as they are not trustworthy.

Dumbfound _ (verb) हक्का बक्का कर देना  astonish
Ex _ Anas did his best to dumbfound his parents.

Forecast _ (noun )पुर्व अनुमान  prediction
Ex _ you are not a God that your forecast is going to be happened.

Rig _ (verb) पहेन्ना  dress up
Ex _ The children return from school and get ready to go for tuition.

Concede _ (verb) स्विकार करना  accept
Ex _ I had to concede that I had overreacted.

Encroach _ (verb) अधिकर्मद  violate
Ex _ rather than encroach on his privacy she might have kept to her room.

Persecute _ (verb) सताना harass
Ex _ The major kept on persecuting the soldiers.

Rampage _ (noun) हंगामा violence
Ex _ Sabrimala temple created rampage in Kerela

Aghast _ (adj) स्वाधीन horrified
Ex _ dinner tastes aghast. 

Amicable _ (adjective) शुशील  friendly

Ex _ he is an amicable person altogether.

Altercation _ (noun) विवाद  wordy quarrel

Ex _ two neighbors were involved in the altercation.

Ail _ (verb) सताना  to hurt

Ex _ he was ailed by my remark.

Dappled _ (adjective) चित्कबरा 

Ex _ She was wearing a dappled coat.

Advert _ (verb) ध्यान देना address

Ex _ one should advert the opinion of others.

Aspersion _ (noun) कलंक  verbal exhibition of bad temper.

Ex _ one should avoid aspersion.

Castigate _ (verb) सज़ा देना  to punish

Ex _ the teacher castigated him for his incomplete homework.

Coerce _ (verb) विवश करना to force a person into doing something.

Ex _ she was never coerced by her husband into bringing money from her parents.

Deteriorate _ ( verb) बिगद जाना  get worse
Ex _ the condition of her sister has deteriorated

Demure _ (adj) संकोची  shy
Ex _ I was thinking that she was demure by nature but I was wrong.

Debacle _ (noun) पतन downfall
Ex _ the poor batting performance resulted in the debacle of team.

Devout _ (adjective) धर्म निस्थ religious  
Ex _ no doubt my mother is a devout lady.

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