Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 11

 Vocab 2

Master Mind classes
Word                      Meaning                   Example

A cat-lover.          His baby is Ailurophile.

A gathering.   There was Assemblage on the road

Attractive.            Are you looking Becoming?

To exhaust with attacks.  He was Beleaguered on the stair.

To think alone.        The terrible vision brooded over her all day long.

In a lovely rural setting.    We live in a Bucolic village.

A small, cozy cottage.   /   Do you have Bungalow?

Like a cat’s eye.       Her eyes are Chatoyant.

Attractive.                 She looks all time Comely.

Add together different elements.   

Ex _The colors conflated well"
Cynosure(n)a center of attraction or attention / 

Ex _ His rapidly increasing wealth has made him a cynosure in the political circle. 
Dalliance(n)A brief love affair. /

Ex _ He had delliances with several women before getting married.
Demesne(n)Dominion, territory. /

The vast and demesne of the noth India (jammu and kashmir)
Demure         Shy and reserved.  He happens to be Demure most of                                   the time.
DenouementThe resolution of a mystery. /

The two lover commit suicide in the denoument.
Desuetude(n)Disuse. /

Despite the long years of desuetude the old manual restroom seemed to work just fine.
Desultory(adj)Slow, sluggish. /

There was a desultory flow of comment on my fb post.
Diaphanous(adj)Filmy. / It is diaphanous curtain.
Dissemble(v)Deceive. / She was dissembling the facts.
Dulcet(adj)Sweet, sugary. / She speaks in dulcet mood.
EbullienceBubbling enthusiasm.
Effervescent(adj)Bubbly. Tata makes effervescent salts.
EfflorescenceFlowering, blooming. / They are Efflorescence stars of MMC
ElisionDropping a sound or syllable in a word.
EloquenceBeauty and persuasion in speech.         She spoke with Eloquence on the need of a better school.
Embrocationa lotion.      / Do you use body embrocation?
EphemeralShort-lived.   /  The ephemeral joys of childhood.
ErstwhileAt one time, for a time.  He is an erstwhile friend.
EtherealGaseous, invisible but detectable.  /     it is an ethereal                                                                solution
EvanescentVanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.      / She has got evanescent beauty.
EvocativeSuggestive.    / He cannot forbear to close on this evocative literary note.
FetchingPretty.     / He has a fetching new hairstyle.
FelicityPleasantness.   / It is felicity weather.
ForbearanceWithholding response to provocation.  / his forbearance to reply was alarming.
FugaciousLasting a very short time  /  fugacious blossoms.
FurtiveShifty, sneaky.
GambolTo skip or leap about joyfully.
GossamerThe finest piece of thread, a spider’s silk
HalcyonHappy, sunny, care-free.
HarbingerMessenger with news of the future.
ImbricationOverlapping and forming a regular pattern.
ImbroglioAn altercation or complicated situation.
ImbueTo infuse, instill.
IncipientBeginning, in an early stage.
IneffableUnutterable, inexpressible.
IngénueA naïve young woman.
InglenookA cozy nook by the hearth.
InsoucianceBlithe nonchalance.
InureTo become jaded.
LabyrinthineTwisting and turning.
LagniappeA special kind of gift.
LagoonA small gulf or inlet.
LanguorListlessness, inactivity.
LassitudeWeariness, listlessness.
LeisureFree time.
LiltTo move musically or lively.
LissomeSlender and graceful.
LitheSlender and flexible.
LoveDeep affection.
MellifluousSweet sounding.
MoietyOne of two equal parts.
MondegreenA slip of the ear.
NemesisAn unconquerable archenemy.
OffingThe sea between the horizon and the offshore.
OnomatopoeiaA word that sounds like its meaning.
OpulentLush, luxuriant.
PalimpsestA manuscript written over earlier ones.
PanaceaA solution for all problems
PanoplyA complete set.
PasticheAn art work combining materials from various sources.
PenumbraA half-shadow.
PetrichorThe smell of earth after rain.
PlethoraA large quantity.
PropinquityAn inclination.
PyrrhicSuccessful with heavy losses.
QuintessentialMost essential.
RatatouilleA spicy French stew.
RavelTo knit or unknit.
RiparianBy the bank of a stream.
RippleA very small wave.
ScintillaA spark or very small thing.
SeraglioRich, luxurious oriental palace or harem.
SerendipityFinding something nice while looking for something else.
SummeryLight, delicate or warm and sunny.
SumptuousLush, luxurious.
SurreptitiousSecretive, sneaky.
SusquehannaA river in Pennsylvania.
SusurrousWhispering, hissing.
TalismanA good luck charm.
UmbrellaProtection from sun or rain.
UntowardUnseemly, inappropriate.
VestigialIn trace amounts.
WherewithalThe means.

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