Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 8

English word meaning(Series 7)



Coincident _ adj / एक साथ होने वाली घटना /  happening at the same place or time.
Ex _ It was coincident that me and my friend took admission in MMC on Friday.

Shiny _ adj / चमकीला / smooth and bright.
Ex _ Her hair was thick and shiny.

Tycoon _ n / पैसे में अमीर दिल का गरीब / one who is successful in business or industry and have a lot of money and power.
Ex _ Anil Ambani is tycoon personality of India.

Pious _ adj / नेक / having or showing deep respect for God and religion.
Ex _ Kastoorba Gandhi was a pious lady.

Torment _ n / दिमागी दर्द / extreme suffering, specially mental suffering.
Ex _ She suffered years of mental torment after her son death.

Deceive _ v / छिपाना / to make somebody believe something that is not true.
Ex _ One should not deceive innocents

Exalted _ adj / बहुत महत्वा / great importance
Ex _ Is media known for its exalted services.

Preach _ v / धार्मिक परवचन देना / a religious talks in a public place.
Ex _ Dr. Zakir Naik preaches about the Unity of human kind.

Classy _ adj / आधुनिक / Fashionable and expensive.
Ex _ S.R is a classy restaurantof Azamgarh.

Insolent _ adj / rude and not showing any respect.
Ex _ He is insolent boy.

Agenda _ n / कार्य सूचि / a list of item to be discussed at a meeting.
Ex _ Can you Guess what is the agenda of BJP?

Chef _ n / खाना बनाने वाला / a skilled cook.
Ex _ He is a master chef.

Deplete _ v / कम करना / to reduce the amount of something that is present or available.
Ex _ Can India's population be depleted?

Evaporate _ v / भाप बनना /  if heat evaporates a liquid it changes into gas .
Ex _ Most of the water has been evaporated.

Hazardous _ adj / खतरनाक / involving risk or danger, specially to somebody's health or safety.
Ex _ It is hazardous to work in coal mine.

Outstanding _ n / ज़बदस्त / the knowledge that somebody has about a particular subject or situation.
Ex _ You can see the outstanding performance of participant in presentation.

Confident _ adj / आत्मा विश्वाशी / feeling sure about you own ability to do things and be successful.
Ex _ She is confident English speaker.

Reliable _ adj / टिकाऊ / that can be trusted to do something well, that you can rely on.
Ex _ My cars not as reliable as it used to be.

Devoted _ adj / भक्त / having great love for something or somebody and being loyal to them.
Ex _ Are you devoted students?

Passionate _ adj / जुनूनी / having or showing strong feeling of energy for something.
Ex _ Are you passionate to learn spoken English.

Admiration _ n / प्रशःसा a feeling of respect and liking for somebody / something.
Ex _ I have great admiration for good work.

Gay _ adj / खुश / happy and full of fun.
Ex _ She felt lighthearted and gay.

Fortunate _ adj /भागी / good luck.
Ex _ It's my fortunate to have a good teacher.

Delighted _ adj / खुश / very pleased.
Ex _ Can you stay for dinner? it would be delighted.

Wonderful _ adj / शानदार / very good, pleasant and enjoyable.
Ex _ It's wonderful to see you.

Frank _ adj / इमानदार / honest and truthful.
Ex  _Are you frank.

Gossip _ v / बकवास करना / to talk about other people behavior and private life.
Ex _ The whole India gossiping about Modi ji.

Duffer _ adj / बदमास / someone who is stupid or not very good at something.
Ex _ They are duffer agent.

Strainer _ n/ झन्ना / a kitchen tool with lots of small holes in it . that is used for separating solid from liquid.
Ex _ Do you use strainer to train the tea leaf.

Long lasting _ adj / ता उम्र / continuing for a long time.
Ex _ Is lakhani long lasting slipper?

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