Tuesday, March 3, 2020

series 2

English word meaning(Series 2)



Perfidious _ adj / बेवफा / unable to be trusted or showing no loyalty.
Q1 _ Are you perfidious ?
A _  No I'm not perfidious.
Perhaps _ adj / शयेद / used to show that something is possible or that you are not certain about.
Q2 _ Did you call your friend yesterday night? _ perhaps no.
A _ Yes I called last day.

Elaborate _ v / व्यख्या करना  /to explain or describe something in more detailed way.
Q3 _ Can you elaborate something about computer?
A _ Yes I can elaborate about computer.

Predict _ v / अंदाज़ा ठोकना / to say that something will happen before it happens.
Q4 _Had Media predicted that Mr. Obama would be re-elected.
A _ Yes Media predicted that Obama will be re- elected.

Contagious _ adj / चुवा छुट / describe a disease that can be caught by touching someone with disease.
Q5 _ Was the infection highly contagious?, 
A _ so don't let anyone use your towel.

Deplore _ v / to say or think that something is very bad.
 Q6 _ Do you deplore the attitude of minister?
A _ I'm not able to deplore the attitude of the ministers.

Emend _ v / सुधारना  / to correct or improve a text.
Q7 _ Will you emend the document of last week?
A _ Yes I'm ready to deplore the document of last week.

Twirl _ v / गोल गोल घूमना / to move or dance round round to make somebody do this.
Q8 _ Does she twirl in front of the mirror.
A _ No , she does not twirl in front of the mirror.

Entangle _ v / फसना / to make somebody or something become caught or twisted in something.
Q9 _ Had the birds been entangled in the wire net.
A _  yes it was entangled in the wire net.

Appease _ v / संतुट करना  / to satisfy or to calm.
Q10 _ Has the teacher appeased students in the class.
A _ Yes the teacher appeased the students in the classroom.

Resolve _ v / हल करना  / to solve or end a problem or difficulty.
Q11 _ How can we resolve the problem of unemployment?
A _ We can not resolve the problem of unemployment.

Devastate _ v / तहस नहस करना / to completely destroy a place or an area.
Q12 _ Was the bombing devastated whole of the japan.
A _ Yes the bombing devastated most of the japan.

Ravage _ v / बर्बाद करना / to damage somebody very badly.
Q13 _ Was japan ravaged by the America.
A _ Yes , Japan was ravaged by America.

Feeble _ adj / कमज़ोर / very week.
Q14 _ Was the heart beat was feeble and irregular.
A _ Yes heart beat was feeble and irregular.

Brusque _ adj / खडूस / using few words and sounding rude.
Q15 _Was the doctor spoke in brusque tone.
A _ yes the Doctor spoke in brusque tone.

Abet _ v / उकसाना / to help , encourage.
Q16 _ Do you abet your younger?
A _ No , I don't abet my younger.

Cajole _ v / मनाना /  to urge , coax.
Q17 _ how do you cajole your younger?
A _ By passing fake smile I cajole my younger.

Riddle _ v / गोलियों से चलनी कर देना / to make a lot of holes in somebody or something.
Q18 _ Was the car riddled with bullet.
A _ yes the car was riddled by bullet.

Cogitate _ v / गहन विचार करना / to think about something carefully.
Q19 _ Does she not cogitate about her career.
A _ she doesn't cogitate about her career.

Adorn _ v / सजाना / to make someone or something more attractive.
Q20 _ Her painting adorn the wall.

Apprise _ v / तारुफ़ करना  / to give information to someone.
Ex _ Let me apprise about myself.

Hubby _ n / पति देव / husband.
Ex _ He is Salony's Hubby.

Prolong _ v / लम्बा करना / to make something lost a longer time.
Ex _ Can you prolong your speech?

Creep _ v / रेंगना / to move slowly , quietly and carefully.
Ex _ Does snake creep on the ground?

Refuse _ v / इनकार करना / to say that you are not doing.
Ex _ I refused his permission.

pacify _ v / मनाना /to cause someone who is angry or upset to be calm and satisfy.
Ex _ She pacified her children by giving them ball.

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