Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 5

English word meaning(Series 5)



Fret _ v / भैभित / to be nervous or worried
Ex _ Don't get fret. I'm sure he is ok.

Laconic _ adj / कम बोलने वाला / using few words to express what do you mean.
Ex _ He is a laconic Dr.

Tenacious _ adj / कासी / holding tightly on something.
Ex _ The baby took my finger in it tenacious little fist.

Talisman _ n / तावीज़ / an object believed to bring good luck.
Ex _ Do you use talisman?

Harbinger_ n / अग्रणी / something is going to happen soon.
Ex _ They will perform in the harbinger of MMC.

Bolster _ v / मजबूत करना / to improve something of make it stronger.
Ex _ More money needed to bolster the cotton industry.

Relinquish _ v / तेयागना / to give up something, such as responsibility.
Ex _ Who relinquish the joint family first(younger / elder)?

Expedite _ v / तेज़ी देना /to make a process happen more quickly.
Ex _ How we should expedite the learning of small kids?

Blasphemy _ n / निंदा / behavior or language that insult or shows a lack of respect to God or religion.
Ex _ His speech was blasphemy about Islam.

Fluster _ v / निराश करना / to make somebody nervous or confused.
Ex _ Don't fluster me I will do by and by.

Hearten _ v / सहस देना / to give somebody encouragement or hope.
Ex _ Mr. Obama heartened the student about making aim.

Devastate _ v / तहस नहस करना / to completely destroy a place or an area.
Ex_ The bomb devastated most of the part of Japan/

Giggle _v / खिलखिला कर हँसना / to laugh in a silly way because you are amused or nervous.
Ex _  The girl giggled at the joke.

Brusque _ adj / खडूस using few words and sounding rude.
Ex _ She spoke in brusque tone.

Pensive _ adj / विचारक / Thinking in a quiet way or with a serious expression on your face.
Ex _ He became pensive hardly speaking anyone.

Simulate _ v / दिखावा करना / to do or make something which looks real but is not real.
Ex _ Plastic is often used to simulate wood, in cheap furniture.

Jovial _ adj / खुश मजाज़ /friendly and in good mood.
Ex _ He is a jovial student.

Wary _ adj / बह्रुप्या / not completely trusting or certain about something or someone.
Ex _ Are you bit wary?

Distort _ v / विचलित करना / to change something from its usual or original.
Ex _ Dr. zakir naik speeches was distorted and highlighted by media.

Deform _ v / ख़राब करना / to spoil the usual and true shape of something.
Ex _ The plastic deforms at 90 degree temperature.

Perilous _ adj / बहुत खतरनाक / Extremely dangerous.

Ex _ The country roads are very perilous.

Celerity _ n / Speed , rapidity.
Ex _ how do you find the celerity of car in Azamgarh?

Swindler _ n / चिटार / Cheater
Ex _ Have you faced any swindler in your life?

Abridge _ /छोटा करना / To shorten.
Ex _ Has internet abridged the distance?

Sundry _ adj / अलग अलग / Several, various, different.
Ex _ Does Azamgarh have sundry problem?

Smite _ v / आकर्षित करना / Strongly attracted to someone or something.
Ex _ Does Pub.G smite you?

Qualm _ n / दुविधा An uncomfortable feeling of doubt.
Ex _ Was the night Qualm ?

Endure - v / झेलना / to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, painful.
Ex _ She has to endure whole life.

Enrage _ v / गुस्सा दिलाना / to cause someone to become very angry.
Ex _ He was enraged about the past.

Cranny _ n/ दरार / a small narrow opening in something solid.
Ex _ Was the tree  growing in the cranny of wall?

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