Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Series 6

English word meaning(Series 6)



Abscond _ v /छिप के निकलना / to go away and secretly in order to escape from somewhere.
Ex _ The prisoners were absconded last night.

Alacrity  _ n / उत्सुकता / Speed and eagerness.
Ex _ She accepted the money with alacrity.

Beneficent _ adj / फायेदे मंद / helping people and doing good acts.
Ex _ It is Allah who is most beneficent.

Subside _ v / कम होना / if a building or water subsides, it goes down to a lower level.
Ex _ Eventually the flood waters began to subside.

Refute _ v / गलत साबित करना / to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion et.c is wrong or false.
Ex _ Don't try to refute me.

Reticent _ adj / शर्मीला / unwilling to speak about your thoughts of feeling.
Ex _ Most of the students are reticent about answering question.

Reverent _ adj / पूजनीय / showing great respect and admiration.
Ex _ A reverent silence fell over the crowd.

Satiate _ v / संतुस्ट करना / to completely satisfy yourself or a need, specially with food or pleasure so that you could not have anymore.
Ex _ He drank greedily until his thirst was satiated.

Soporific _ adj / निद्रा जनक / causing sleep or making a person want to sleep.
Ex _ It's the soporific effect of the heat.

Fickle _ adj / चन चल / to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason.
Ex _ Fickle winds made sailing condition difficult.

Confound _ v / दुविधा में डालना / to confuse and very much surprise someone, so that they are not able to explain or deal with a situation.
Ex _ Are you confounded with ...........

Contentious _ adj / असहमति / causing or likely to cause disagreement.
Ex _ She has some contentious view on education.

Decorum _ n / सज्जन / behavior that is controlled.
Ex _ Is she decorum student.

Glorious _ adj / शानदार / deserving great fame, praise, and honor.
Ex _ It glorious shot of Dada.

Precise _ adj / संछिपत /  Precise information, detail et.c are in exact, clear and correct way.
Ex _ It was difficult to get precise information.

Furious _  adj / गुस्से वाला / Very angry.
Ex _ her family member are furious that her name was published in newspaper.

Child minder _ n / आया / Someone who is paid to look after young children while their parents are at work.
Ex _ Will you hire a child minder once you get success.

Abominate _ v / नफरत करना / to hate.
Ex _ do you abominate sitting idle?

Iota _ n /तुक्छ /  an extremely small amount.
Ex _ I don't think this government has made an iota change on the name of development.

Courage _  n / साहस / the ability to do something dangerous.
Ex _ Students showed great courage and determination. 

Miscreant _ n /खूंखार /  a person who has done something wrong or illegal.
Ex _ her miscreant action shocked everyone.

Odious _ adj / घाथिया / extremely unpleasant.
Ex _ what an odious man!

Intrepid _ adj / बहादुर / very brave , not afraid of danger or difficulties.
Ex _ new generation seems very intrepid.

Gibber _ v / जल्दी जल्दी खाना / to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, often because of fear.
Ex _ He gibbered when his father scolded him.

Glutton _ adj / पेटू / a person who eats too much.
Ex _ Are you glutton?

Diverge _ v / विचलित होना / to separate and go in different direction.
Ex _ The parallel lines appears to diverge.

Sumptuous _ adj / सुन्दर / very expensive and looking very impressive.
Ex _ she puts only sumptuous dresses.

Exquisite _ adj / बहुत सुन्दर / extremely beautiful and very delicately made.
Ex _ she made an exquisite drawing in competition.

Precious _ adj / कीमती / something that is precious is valuable and important and should not be                               wasted or used without care.
Ex _ my exam is about to come, it's precious time for me.

Tumble _ v / लुढ़कना / to fall down quickly and suddenly, specially with rolling moment.
Ex _ she lost her balance and tumbled backward.

Merchant _ n / व्यापारी / someone whose job is to buy and sell, wine, coal et.c
Ex _ his father is a merchant.

Examine _ v / निरिक्षद करना / to look at something carefully because you want to find out more about it.

Ex _ we will examine how & why India became democracy in 1947.

Negotiate _ v / बात चीत करना / to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, specially in business or politics.
Ex _ Why BJP government does not negotiate about unemployment?

Major _ adj / विशाल / very large or important.
Ex _ Have you Created any major problem in your life?

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