Thursday, March 10, 2022

Standard Vocab (Series 3)

ACQUIESCE (VERB): (स्वीकृति देना): permit

 allow, accept

Antonyms: forbid

Example Sentence:

He will acquiesce simply because he is a sick man.

ABOLITION (NOUN): (उन्मूलन): scrapping

 ending, stopping


Example Sentence:

The abolition of the death penalty came into effect owing to his good behavior.

ANTEDILUVIAN (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): outdated

out of date, outmoded

Antonyms: modern

Example Sentence:

My mother has some antediluvian ideas about the role of women.

EMANCIPATION (NOUN): (मुक्ति): freeing

 liberation, liberating

Antonyms: enslavement

Example Sentence:

The social and political emancipation of women is the need of the hour.

PREMATURE (ADJECTIVE): (समयपूर्व): untimely

early, before time


Example Sentence:

The sun can cause premature ageing.

EXUBERANCE (NOUN): (उत्साह): ebullience

 buoyancy, cheerfulness

Antonyms: gloom

Example Sentence:

He has a sense of youthful exuberance.

CAREFREE (NOUN): (निश्चिन्त): unworried

untroubled, blithe

Antonyms: anxious

Example Sentence:

We were young and carefree.

VIGILANCE (NOUN): (सतर्कता): surveillance

attentiveness, attention

Antonyms: inattentiveness

Example Sentence:

Security duties demand long hours of vigilance.

EVENTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (व्यस्त): busy

 event-filled, action-packed

Antonyms: dull, uneventful

Example Sentence:

I am envious of his eventful life.

BRITTLE (ADJECTIVE): (नाज़ुक): breakable

Synonyms: fragile, frail

Antonyms: flexible, resilient

Example Sentence:

My bones became brittle because of my disease.

BELLIGERENT (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक): hostile

Synonyms: aggressive, threatening

Antonyms: friendly

Example Sentence:

The mood at the meeting was belligerent.

CREDIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): acceptable

Synonyms: trustworthy, reliable

Antonyms: untrustworthy

Example Sentence:

Few people found his story credible.

ACQUIESCENCE (NOUN): (सहमति): consent

Synonyms: agreement, acceptance

Antonyms: refusal

Example Sentence:

In silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet.

NOTABLE (NOUN): (प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्ति): celebrity

Synonyms: VIP, personality

Antonyms: nonentity

Example Sentence:

All businessmen and local notables were invited.

ENTRENCH (VERB): (स्थापित करना): establish

Synonyms: settle, ensconce

Antonyms: dislodge

Example Sentence:

Ageism is entrenched in our society.

COMPARABLE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनीय): as good as

Synonyms: on a par with, on a level with

Antonyms: incomparable

Example Sentence:

Nobody is comparable with this athlete.

SCRUPULOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): careful

Synonyms: meticulous, painstaking

Antonyms: careless

Example Sentence:

The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail.

NOVEL (ADJECTIVE): (नया): new

Synonyms: original, unusual

Antonyms: old

Example Sentence:

He hit on a novel idea to solve his financial problems.

IRRATIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (तर्कहीन): unreasonable

Synonyms: illogical, groundless

Antonyms: logical

Example Sentence:

It wasn't the money he objected to as much as the irrational logic.

IMPAIR (VERB): (हानि पहुंचाना): harm

Synonyms: damage, diminish

Antonyms: improve

Example Sentence:

A noisy job could permanently impair our hearing.

OVERTURN (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel

reverse, rescind

Antonyms: allow

Example Sentence:

The results of the study completely overturned previous findings.

INTRIGUE (VERB): (दिलचस्पी लेना): interest

 fascinate, attract

Antonyms: bore

Example Sentence:

Dealing with compositional matters intrigue me the most.

UNDUE (ADJECTIVE): (अतिरिक्त): excessive

 extreme, immoderate

Antonyms: due

Example Sentence:

This figure did not give rise to undue concern.

DEPLOY (VERB): (तैनात करना): position

 station post

Antonyms: concentrate

Example Sentence:

Forces were deployed at strategic locations.

RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): (अल्पभाषी): reserved

withdrawn, introverted

Antonyms: expansive

Example Sentence:

She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.

BRAZEN (ADJECTIVE): (साहसिक): bold

 shameless, as bold as brass

Antonyms: timid

Example Sentence:

He went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance.

IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): (दुराचरण): wrongdoing

 misconduct, dishonesty

Antonyms: propriety

Example Sentence:

She was scandalized at the impropriety of the question.

INVOKE (VERB): (तलब करना): cite

 adduce, instance

Antonyms: waive

Example Sentence:

The antiquated defence of insanity is rarely invoked in England.

ATTENUATE (VERB): (दुर्बल होना): weaken

 reduce, lessen

Antonyms: strengthen

Example Sentence:

The rain attenuated, ending the storm.

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