Saturday, April 23, 2022

Standard Vocab (Series 6)

 RADICAL (ADJECTIVE): (संपूर्ण): thoroughgoing

Synonyms: thorough, complete

Antonyms: superficial

Example Sentence:

A radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework is needed.

MAWKISH (ADJECTIVE): (कुत्सित): sentimental

Synonyms: over-sentimental, over-emotional

Antonyms: cool

Example Sentence:

He paid a mawkish ode to parenthood.

REINSTATE (VERB): (पुनः स्थापित करना): restore

Synonyms: put back, replace

Antonyms: abolish

Example Sentence:

The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated.

ATYPICAL (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): unusual

Synonyms: untypical, non-typical

Antonyms: typical

Example Sentence:

I belong to the sample of people who are rather atypical of the target audience.

THOUGHTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): pensive

Synonyms: thinking, reflective

Antonyms: vacant

Example Sentence:

Brows were drawn together in thoughtful consideration.

FORTIFY (VERB): (मज़बूत करना): invigorate

Synonyms: strengthen, energize

Antonyms: sedate

Example Sentence:

She is fortified by her religious faith.

INNATE (ADJECTIVE): (जन्मजात): inborn

Synonyms: natural, inbred

Antonyms: acquired

Example Sentence:

She has innate skills for the organization.

INCURSION (NOUN) (चढ़ाई): attack on

Synonyms: assault on, raid on

Antonyms: retreat

Example Sentence:

Soldiers went for incursions into enemy territory.

IMPROBABLE (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): unlikely

Synonyms: not likely, doubtful

Antonyms: probable

Example Sentence:

This account of events was seen by the jury as most improbable.

EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overstate

Synonyms: overemphasize, overstress

Antonyms: play down

Example Sentence:

He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.

BANISH (VERB): (निर्वासित करना): dispel

Synonyms: dismiss, disperse

Antonyms: engender

Example Sentence:

All thoughts of romance were banished from her head.

REINSTATE (VERB): (बहाल करना): restore

put back, replace

Antonyms: abolish

Example Sentence:

The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated.

DIGNIFIED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिष्ठित): stately

 noble, courtly

Antonyms: undignified

Example Sentence:

She maintained a dignified silence.

RELUCTANT (ADJECTIVE): (अनिच्छुक): unwilling

 disinclined, unenthusiastic

Antonyms: willing

Example Sentence:

He is always reluctant in trying anything new.

DISCARD (VERB): (अलग करना): throw away

 throw out, get rid of

Antonyms: keep

Example Sentence:

She bundled up the clothes she had discarded.

PHENOMENAL (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): exceptional

 extraordinary, remarkable

Antonyms: ordinary

Example Sentence:

The town expanded at a phenomenal rate.

RIFE (ADJECTIVE): (व्याप्त): widespread

 general common

Antonyms: scarce

Example Sentence:

Male chauvinism was rife in medicine.

PRECISION (NOUN): (शुद्धता): exactness

 accuracy, correctness

Antonyms: inaccuracy

Example Sentence:

The deal was planned and executed with military precision.

IMPRUDENT (ADJECTIVE): (अविवेकी): unwise

 injudicious, incautious

Antonyms: prudent

Example Sentence:

It would be imprudent to leave her behind.

OMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): threatening

Synonyms: menacing, baleful

Antonyms: promising

Example Sentence:

There were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead.

IMPLICATION (NOUN): (निहितार्थ): suggestion

Synonyms: inference, insinuation

Antonyms: explicit statement

Example Sentence:

The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.

LATENT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): dormant

Synonyms: quiescent, inactive

Antonyms: manifest

Example Sentence:

They have a huge reserve of latent talent.

CANDOR (NOUN): (निष्कपटता): frankness

Synonyms: directness, fairness

Antonyms: dishonesty, unfairness

Example Sentence:

She has done her task with complete candor.

ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve

Synonyms: clear, exonerate

Antonyms: convict

Example Sentence:

One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted.

RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवर्तक): repeated

Synonyms: recurring, repetitive

Antonyms: isolated

Example Sentence:

She had a recurrent dream about falling.

MODERATE (VERB): (घटना): abate

Synonyms: let up, lessen

Antonyms: get up

Example Sentence:

I shall not moderate my criticism.

DESCRIPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्णनात्मक): illustrative

Synonyms: expressive, pictorial

Antonyms: undescriptive

Example Sentence:

The text contains some good descriptive passages.

DEARTH (NOUN): (दुर्लभता): lack

Synonyms: scarcity, shortage

Antonyms: abundance

Example Sentence:

There was a dearth of evidence.

PREVALENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रचलित): widespread

prevailing, frequent

Antonyms: uncommon

Example Sentence:

The ill practices are more prevalent in society today.

EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (हद से ज़्यादा): extortionate

excessive, sky-high

Antonyms: reasonable

Example Sentence:

Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.

ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण): repudiation

 revocation, repeal

Antonyms: institution

Example Sentence:

The ministry proposed for the abrogation of the electoral law of 1850.

EXQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (अति सुंदर): beautiful

 lovely, elegant

Antonyms: crude

Example Sentence:

The place was filled with exquisite, jewel-like portraits.

ONGOING (ADJECTIVE): (चल रही है): in progress

under way, going on

Antonyms: finished

Example Sentence:

There is an ongoing debate on the issue.

RAUCOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उग्र): noisy

 discordant, loud

Antonyms: mild, quiet

Example Sentence:

Her birthday parties were raucous but fun.

CONSORT (NOUN): (संगी): concomitant

 companion, mate

Antonyms: enemy, adversary

Example Sentence:

He is my true consort.

THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish

 prosper, burgeon

Antonyms: decline

Example Sentence:

Education groups thrive on organization.

FUGITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (भगोड़ा): person escaping law

 escapee, outlaw

Antonyms: enduring, confronting

Example Sentence:

The fugitive don rarely left his cabin to avoid any social contact.

LAMENT (VERB): (विलाप करना): mourn

 sorrow, wail

Antonyms: celebrate

Example Sentence:

He was lamenting the death of his infant daughter.